
  • フレキシブルな投与
    • カプセル
    • 小袋
    • スプレー
  • 単一のカプセル内で幅広いカスタマイズされた放出プロファイルを可能にする
  • さまざまな錠剤サイズにより、低用量でも正確な送達を実現
  • 単一のカプセル内でカスタマイズされた幅広い放出プロファイルにより、より幅広い投与量の滴定が可能。


  • 機能性膜を1.0~2.0mmの円筒形の錠剤に適用し、放出速度を制御する
  • サイズが小さいため、1つのカプセル内で複数の薬剤やさまざまな放出プロファイルを提供できる製品の開発が容易になる
  • 高強度製剤のための高密度製剤との組み合わせが可能な高い薬物負荷能力





Executive Director, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Business Support, and New Technologies

Dr. Srinivasan Shanmugam is involved in the development and expansion of Adare’s pharmaceutical technology portfolio and supports product development, co-development, and tech transfer opportunities. Dr. Shanmugam has a Ph.D. M.S., and a B.S. in Pharmacy. Dr. Shanmugam has more than 20 years of experience in designing and development of conventional, NDDS/alternate, advanced/modified drug delivery systems, and pharmaceutical platform technologies for oral and other routes of administration. His expertise includes enabling technologies for challenging drugs and developing platform technologies. Additionally, his expertise includes patient-centric solutions focusing on pediatric and geriatric populations to achieve dose convenience, flexibility, and precision.  Dr. Shanmugam has published numerous research articles, holds multiple patents, and is a reviewer/editorial member of various prestigious journals. Shanmugam’s recent work focuses on product development solutions for special patient populations like pediatric and geriatric populations.

