Unparalleled experience in the development of unique oral dose delivery systems

We’re experts in taste masking & customized release for oral dosage forms

  • Leading partner to >100 pharmaceutical companies across Branded, Specialty, Generic, Veterinarian and OTC segments
  • Portfolio of 65+ commercial products globally across multiple therapeutic areas
  • Expertise from product development to GMP approved commercial manufacturing
  • Four R&D and manufacturing locations
  • 800 employees


  • VitalStim Therapy (2005).  Dysphagia: Fact sheet.  
  • Mennella, J. A., Spector, A. C., Reed, D. R., & Coldwell, S. E. (2013). The bad taste of medicines: overview of basic research on bitter taste. Clinical therapeutics, 35(8), 1225-1246.
  • DeRoche, C., Macclaren, G., & Sonies, B. (2000). Pill Swallowing in America: A National Survey of Adults. Harris Interactive Survey.
  • St. John’s University.

Our technologies address the needs of multiple, large patient populations


  • 1 in 17 people will develop dysphagia in their lifetime
  • Indication specific dysphagia can result from a variety of diseases including stroke, MS, mental health disorders, GERD, and cancers of the throat


  • Unpleasant taste is the biggest barrier for completing treatment in pediatrics
  • Proper taste masking increases compliance 53% to 90%


  • 26% of geriatric patients reported difficulty swallowing tablets and capsules
  • Extended release formulations and titratable dosage forms are required to improve compliance

Speak With An Expert

Profile Photo: Srinivasan Shanmugam, Ph.D

Srinivasan Shanmugam, Ph.D

Executive Director, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Business Support, and New Technologies

Dr. Srinivasan Shanmugam is involved in the development and expansion of Adare’s pharmaceutical technology portfolio and supports product development, co-development, and tech transfer opportunities. Dr. Shanmugam has a Ph.D. M.S., and a B.S. in Pharmacy. Dr. Shanmugam has more than 20 years of experience in designing and development of conventional, NDDS/alternate, advanced/modified drug delivery systems, and pharmaceutical platform technologies for oral and other routes of administration. His expertise includes enabling technologies for challenging drugs and developing platform technologies. Additionally, his expertise includes patient-centric solutions focusing on pediatric and geriatric populations to achieve dose convenience, flexibility, and precision.  Dr. Shanmugam has published numerous research articles, holds multiple patents, and is a reviewer/editorial member of various prestigious journals. Shanmugam’s recent work focuses on product development solutions for special patient populations like pediatric and geriatric populations.

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